SSSA Shire Single 2024
Huge thanks once again to All Cargo Logistics International for their generous support.
This has increased the total prize pool to almost $2000!
Prize Pool - $1990
Winner: $1194
Runner up: $597
Highest Break: $199
Rules of the SSSA Singles Championships - please read carefully before entering.
By entering this event, you agree to the following:
- All players to pay entry fee of $20, prior to closing date:
a) Non-paid entries will not be entered into the draw
b) Once the draw is published, there are no refunds for late withdrawals
c) No cash entries will be accepted
- Up to $1250 sponsorship + 100% of entry fees will go towards the prize pool. To be distributed as:
a) 60% to the winner
b) 30% to the runner up
c) 10% to the highest break
- Winners and Runners Up are awarded trophies supplied by the SSSA.
- To qualify for entry into the SSSA Singles Snooker and/or Billiards Championships, a nominee must meet the same qualification criteria as that of the Teams competition (ie to qualify, a player must play 5 matches throughout the Competition with at least 2 matches being played in the first round).
- There is no limit to the number of valid nominations from a club.
- The draw and rules governing the Championships shall be made by the Committee and copies issued to each club. The event shall be a handicap event based on the handicaps allocated by the Handicap Sub-Committee.
- Disputes in the Championships shall be dealt with as in the SSSA Teams Competition.
- Thongs are not permitted at any SSSA event (without valid medical reason). All other dress regulations remain in line with the venues (ie neat & tidy).
- Players will be required to mark their own frames. Referees may be available for the semi & final.
- All players are expected to be in attendance at least 15 minutes before the start of their scheduled games.
a) Any player not in attendance and ready to play at the designated start time will lose one (1) frame when the tournament director calls the game to commence.
b) If a player is not in attendance 15 minutes after the designated start time or when the tournament director called the game to commence, his/her game shall be declared a walkover given to his/her opponent.
c) If both players are in default of being absent after the aforesaid grace period of 15 minutes, both players will be declared in default and their game deemed a walkover with no frames or points awarded to either player.
- All rounds up to and including quarter finals will be best of 3 frames. Semis shall be best of 5 frames; final shall be best of 7 frames. The Final may be re-scheduled in exceptional circumstances with the approval of both players and 2 executive committee members.
Failure to comply with these conditions will result in forfeiture of the game, and/or removal from the draw.